Clinics We Offer

Nursing Services
Our nursing team is led by Rebecca Nicoll, an experienced Advanced Nurse Practitioner, who is also able to prescribe. Practice nurses hold surgeries daily for dressings, vaccinations, ear syringing, smear tests etc. The following is also included:
- Childhood immunisations
- Diabetes Care
- COPD and Asthma
- Cardiovascular disease care
- Wart Clinic (cryotherapy treatment) - NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE

Contraception Services
All GPs and prescribing nurses can prescribe oral contraceptive pills and we also have dedicated clinics for the fitting and removal of long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARC) - IUDs and implants on Tuesdays and Thursdays, for both registered and non-registered patients.

Young Person’s Drop-In Clinic
This service is on Wednesdays between 3 - 5.30 pm, offering contraception, STI screening, condom provision and general health advice for both registered and non-registered patients aged 13-24.

Associated Services
The District Nurses attached to the Practice are responsible for nursing care in the community. They can be contacted on 01273 265860.
Health Visitors are nurses who support families with young children providing development assessments, child health clinics and health education. They can be contacted on 01273 696011.