St Peter’s Health Centre
We are pleased to announce that the new St Peter’s Health Centre in Oxford St, Brighton has been completed and is open for patients. St Peter’s has been delivering General Practice for over one hundred years, and we are delighted to continue our tradition of delivering high quality healthcare in central Brighton. We hope that the beautiful modern premises will be a real community asset; including spaces for group education and training facilities as well as state of the art consulting rooms. You can check if you are living in the practice area and eligible to register on our website
As a result of many challenges outside of our control it has taken nearly three years for the building to be completed; however the end result has been well worth the wait. Thanks to everyone who has all made this possible.
We had our official opening party on 18th July and we were delighted to have two special guests of honour. Dr Caroline Roberts, whose father founded the original St Peter's Surgery in St Peter's Place, and Lily Molloy, a lifelong patient who is now 104 years old, graced the event. Dr Roberts had the privilege of cutting the ribbon, and Lily's presence was a testament to our long-standing commitment to the community. Our party provided an opportunity to thank staff, patients and contractors involved in the premises development as well showcasing our new building.
We look forward to seeing you at the practice and would like to take this opportunity to thank all our staff and patients for their tolerance and understanding during the development period, as we appreciate access has not always been easy while we worked flexibly over several different sites. We are sure that when you visit the building you will agree that it has all been worthwhile!
Becky Jarvis, Carol Witney, Claire Bowmer and Manas Sikdar - The Partners at St Peter’s Health Centre
COVID-19 is still with us, anybody can be infected and pass it on to others. Although for most of us the infection is likely to be mild, the virus can make some people feel very unwell.
Some people are still at considerable risk of severe illness, particularly people 75 years and older and those who have a weak immune system (immunosuppressed people).
The COVID-19 vaccines give safe and effective protection against severe illness and hospitalisation.
Walk-in pop sessions in June:
Asda Marina:
Saturday 15th June, 10am-4pm
Wednesday 19th June, 10am-4pm
On bus routes: 7, 21, 21B, 25C, 47,52 and 57
Asda Hollingbury:
Wednesday 26th June, 10am-4pm
Saturday 29th June, 10am- 4pm
On bus routes: 5B, 24, 26, 52/52A, 55
Community pharmacies are providing bookable appointments and some walk-ins for people who are eligible. These can be booked :
- through the National Booking System
- using the NHS App
- by calling 119
If you can’t find a time or location that suits you, keep checking back as more times and locations will be added as soon as they are available.
To find out which pharmacies are offering walk-ins:
- call 119
- Use this link- Find a pharmacy offering COVID-19 vaccination services - NHS (
Who can have the COVID-19 vaccine:
- adults aged 75 years and over,
- residents in care homes for older adults,
- individuals aged 6 months and over who are immunosuppressed,
- adults who turn 75 years old by 30 June 2024,
- people admitted to an older adult care home or who become immunosuppressed by 30 June are also eligible.
New Telephone system
We are currently having a new telephone system installed and are experiencing a few teething problems. Please accept our apologies if you have had any problems accessing us by phone. However, the good news is that we now have a call back function whereby you can receive a call back in your original queue position so you don’t have to wait on the phone.
Health Counts 24
Take part in the Health Counts 2024 Survey
If you live in Brighton and Hove, don’t miss your chance to participate in this once in a decade health and wellbeing survey, which checks in on the health and lifestyle experiences of local people. The results will be used to inform future health and wellbeing services in the community. Take part to contribute to a healthier, happier Brighton & Hove community!
Take part in the Brighton & Hove Health and Wellbeing Survey 🌈
Don’t miss your chance to participate in the Brighton & Hove Health Counts Survey! It’s a once in a decade survey that gathers information on the health and lifestyle of residents, which may help to inform future health and wellbeing services in the community.
Health Counts 2024
What is the Health Counts Survey?
Health Counts 2024 is a confidential health and lifestyle survey of residents in Brighton and Hove, which will run for six weeks between 18 March - 24 April 2024.
Conducted once a decade, the survey asks questions about the health and lifestyle issues local people experience in different parts of the City.
Why take part?
This is a chance to share your experiences and thoughts on your health and lifestyle. The results of the survey will be important in informing decisions about what future health and wellbeing services may be required to meet residents’ needs.
Take part in the survey now to contribute to a healthier, happier Brighton & Hove community.
Healthwatch Brighton and Hove
East & Central Brighton Primary Care Network PPG meetings
NHS Sussex
Free Wellbeing Courses
Albion Street Surgery
Albion Street Surgery will be closed on a Friday (only) for the foreseeable future.
Recent publication of GP appointment data
Following the recent publication of GP appointment data across the country at GP practice level, we want to share this message with our patients.
All of the team at St Peter’s Health Centre are working incredibly hard to provide our patients with the care, treatment and support you need.
In line with all health services, we have seen a significant increase in need since the pandemic. We are now offering more appointments each month than we were two years ago, and we are always looking at new ways to work differently to improve how we offer our services.
It is important to know that there are issues with the data that has been shared today and not all GP practices report in the same way, which means that you cannot make meaningful comparisons between practices.
The data also only shows one part of the work that our team manages on a daily basis, including making referrals, managing diagnostic results, supervision, training and teaching, referrals and prescription activity.
We are doing all we can to continue to further improve access, from recruiting more clinical and non clinical staff, further sessions, and looking at the ways you can contact us and make requests for appointments, prescriptions and other types of help you may need.
One specific improvement has been the re-introduction of extended access where we are now offering appointments until 8pm on weekdays and between 9am and 5pm on Saturday. We are working with a local group of GP practices to offer this and the appointments may not be here at the practice but when you contact us in the normal way we can talk through the options available.
We are working with NHS Sussex to make improvements in the longer term to help to improve access to appointments including recruiting a bigger workforce with a variety of clinical roles and using technology to help make contacting us easier.
Importantly, the data today doesn’t show the quality of care provided and we are proud as a team to support our patients every day and provide the help and care you need.
You can read a full statement from the NHS in Sussex about the data release and also further detail about what improvements are being made in Sussex: NHS Sussex News - Sussex Health and Care (
From the Partners
Ovarian cancer
Ovarian cancer is often diagnosed late. Symptoms include bloating, pain, or tenderness, and a frequent need to pee. The symptoms are varied, and if you’re experiencing symptoms twelve times or more in a month, you should contact your GP surgery.
There are different types of ovarian cancer, and treatment and prognosis varies depending on the type, stage and grade. It is important to detect any cancer as early as possible.
Prostate health
Prostate cancer can be symptomless. If you’re over 50, black, or have a close family member (father or brother) who has had prostate cancer, your risk is increased. You can check your individual risk and the signs you should look for here:
You can quickly and easily check your risk of prostate cancer. Being aware of your risk level can help you to ensure that you are watchful for concerning symptoms, and that you get the appropriate checks for your individual situation.
NSPCC – Let's talk PANTS
The NSPCC has a brilliant campaign to help educate children about bodily autonomy and when secrets shouldn’t be secrets. The “PANTS” rule helps children easily understand that some parts of the body are private. Talking to your child about what is okay is an important part of raising a child.
Children's flu
It’s coming up to flu season. If you have a child aged 2 or 3 on 31st August 2022, we’re offering vaccination against influenza. Vaccination helps to protect your child from serious illness and also helps to protect others. We’ll shortly be contacting eligible patients to ask them to book their vaccination.
If you have a child aged 4 to 17 years of age who is at-risk of complications from flu because of a health condition, you can have them vaccinated at your GP practice. This year, in-school vaccinations will be prioritised by age group.
Sexual health
Symptoms of sexually transmitted infections are varied, including unusual discharge, sores, itching and rashes around your vagina, penis or anus. If you’re experiencing symptoms, you should get tested. Many STIs are symptomless, including HIV. If you’re having unprotected sex, you’re putting yourself at additional risk.
Flu vaccination
We’ll shortly be offering the influenza vaccination to our patients who are at higher risk of complications from catching influenza. We will contact you when it’s time to book your appointment.
High cholesterol
High cholesterol levels can increase your chances of a heart attack or stroke. High cholesterol can run in families, but can also be caused by eating fatty foods, not getting enough exercise and being overweight or drinking alcohol.
Symptoms of sepsis are varied, and can present differently in children and adults. Symptoms include high temperatures and rashes, but not all patients present with these, and spotting sepsis can be difficult. Please familiarise yourself with the symptoms of sepsis, it could save a life.
Blood cancer awareness
Blood cancer can appear in people of any age, with specific types of blood cancer being more common at different stages of life. Signs and symptoms can include pain, night sweats and infections. You might not necessarily associate the symptoms with serious illness.
Stem cell donation
If you’ve never considered stem cell donation, you may be asked to consider it when you give blood. Having as many suitable donors as possible helps to ensure that patients can get treatment quickly when they need it.
Vascular disease
There are four main types of cardiovascular disease. These affect the blood vessels and heart and are a serious cause of illness, death and disability in the UK. You can decrease your risk by ensuring you exercise regularly and eat a well-balanced, healthy diet.
Menopause is when your periods have stopped for twelve months or more. Leading up to menopause, you might experience symptoms of peri-menopause. These include irregular bleeding, hot flushes and other physical symptoms, along with symptoms that can affect your mental health.
Get Britain Standing
As we move into winter, we become more sedentary. On average, British people sit for 8.9 hours per day. Sitting for more than 4 hours per day has been shown to make changes in the operation of our bodies. Get Britain Standing aims to get the British population up and moving.
Diabetes – Type 2, obesity and activity levels
Being physically active is beneficial if you are diabetic. Incremental changes can make a big difference to the amount of exercise you do on a daily basis.
Volunteers needed for Brighton & Hove 'Healthy Hearts'
We are recruiting now, for volunteer training in March and the project starting in April.
We are seeking volunteers who are:
- Over 18 and living in Brighton & Hove, or registered with a Brighton & Hove GP Practice
- Able to give between 1 and 4 hours per month for 6 months
- Enthusiastic, friendly and wanting to make a difference to people’s health and wellbeing in Brighton & Hove by helping them to make small changes to their lifestyles
We are offering:
- A friendly group
- Certified training, full support and supervision
- Travel expenses and references
To find out more, join the online Information Session at 6pm on Thursday 3rd March by emailing us at or phoning 01273 642186 or 07308 446947 for details.
Or you can visit our webpage.
This project is funded by NHS Sussex Health & Care Partnership and run by Wellsbourne Healthcare CIC (the local GP Surgery in East Brighton) on behalf of East & Central Brighton Primary Care Network and in association with the Brighton & Sussex Medical School.
Latest news from Digital Brighton & Hove including ‘Get online week’
Self-referral for termination of pregnancies
Patients can now self-refer to the new provider of termination of pregnancies in Brighton and Hove - MSI Reproductive Choices.
St Peter’s is proud to announce...
We have recently committed to buy fairtrade tea and coffee for our staff - rather than going for the cheapest option. This is because we believe it is contradictory - and unethical - to provide healthcare using goods and services that may harm the health of others - whether fellow workers overseas or future generations.
Many tea and coffee farmers do not receive a fair price for what they produce - and suffer harsh, unsafe working conditions. Buying fairtrade is a powerful opportunity to improve the health and wellbeing of these workers - and we believe our commitment to support this is an important demonstration of our core values.
For workers on Fairtrade plantations, there is investment in better housing, better schools and medical facilities - as well as the elimination of child labour. Fairtrade standards also help protect the environment through strict rules on pesticides, energy use and biodiversity.
We believe we can help make a difference - and that, through this commitment, we are consistent in our responsibilities for health, now and in the future, through the everyday choices that we make. We’d like to know what you think.
Dr Rachel Cottam
RCGP Green Impact for Health Award
Did you know that the climate crisis has been recognised as the greatest risk to health this century - but also the greatest health opportunity, reaping huge rewards for health.
It is estimated that 5.4% of the UK's carbon emissions are from the NHS. This is equivalent to all the planes taking off from Heathrow in an average year (pre-pandemic!) At St Peter's we are taking seriously the importance of living and practising sustainably. We have recently signed up for the RCGP Green Impact for Health Award, and have identified key areas where we can focus our attention, some clinical, some not. These include:
- Ensuring we buy Fairtrade products where we can. Fairtrade products guarantee a fixed income for some of the poorest farmers in the world
- Reducing waste and increasing recycling
- Using 'active' modes of travel where we can
- Reducing our use of paper - and making sure our paper is sustainably sourced
- Looking at some aspects of our prescribing. This might include working with you to make sure you know what your medications are for, ensure that you actually want them! - and know how to take them most effectively. If you use an inhaler, you might also want to talk to us about those inhaler options which emit less toxic greenhouse gases - as well, of course, as remembering to take any used inhalers back to the pharmacy to be appropriately disposed of.
There are also things you can do:
- You can talk to us about how we might support you to manage your condition most effectively.
- You can try to use 'active' methods of travel - good for you and good for the planet, the health of our children and future generations.
- Using online consultation when it’s an appropriate way to find the care you need
- Or you could try reducing the amount of meat and dairy you eat - even if just on one or two days of the week, this is one of the biggest environmental impacts you can have and there is lots of support available to you. Take a look at Veganuary and Meat Free Monday or try something like Dairy Free Tuesdays. There are lots of recipes online to inspire you if you want to make small changes to what you eat.
And of course you might have ideas for us. If so, please let us know!
Dr Rachel Cottam & the St Peter’s Team
Please watch this clip by clicking here an animation to help explain to the public how they can continue to access GP services, including how to get in contact, the different ways care may be delivered, and how face-to-face appointments have changed
Right Care Right Place
Any digital image/photo submitted as part of an online consultation, will be stored within your clinical notes
Patients should note that they may with their consent be asked to provide a photograph or screen shot of an area of their body under discussion. This will be requested under strict rules, that will be explained by the consulting clinician. No digital images will be requested or accepted without the patients consent and no images requested of a patients full face, children, or intimate areas. Please note any digital image submitted as part of an online consultation, will be stored within your clinical notes.
Support for Deaf Patients
For more information, please view the SignLive Information Poster.SignLive’s new partnership CCGs (BSL Clip)
SignLive Information Poster
Try the new NHS App
If you’re a patient at our practice you can now use the new NHS App, a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet.
You can use the NHS App to check your symptoms and get instant advice, book appointments, order repeat prescriptions, view your GP medical record and more.
If you already use SystmOne online you can continue to use it. You can use the NHS App as well.
For more information go to
The Sussex Health and Care Partnership is made up of local NHS organisations and councils working together to provide the best health and care services for the people of Sussex.
Patients and the public are at the heart of what we do. We strongly believe that involving the public in planning NHS and social care services is key to ensuring that they meet the needs of the population that we serve, which is why we are holding the Big Health and Care (socially distancing) Conversation across Sussex.
This initiative will pick up where we left off with conversations we have been having with local people over the last few years about health and care services. Feedback from our communities has previously informed how we shaped our priorities for, and delivery of, health and care services, to make sure they work for our local population.
The Covid-19 pandemic changed the nature of how health and care services are delivered, in a very short time period. Services had to adapt and change to ensure patients and our staff were protected, which meant that the way people accessed health and care services changed, at a time when we were all also adapting to life in lockdown.
We want to make sure that we understand what this has been like for people if they have needed to use our services, or if they work for the NHS or social care locally – what has worked well, and what could have been better? If you didn’t access services when you thought you needed to, why not? What changes should we maintain, and what needs to go back to normal as much as possible?
There will be a number of themes running during the project and the current theme is mental health and wellbeing
We have created a digital platform for people to engage with us during the pandemic. This is your chance to tell us your experiences, ask questions and share your ideas as we move towards restoring services. To share your experiences, ask a question or take part in a poll, please visit
How to contact the team if you are not online
Call the team: 01903 708411
Write to the team using our freepost address:
Attn: Public Involvement Team
NHS Brighton and Hove Clinical Commissioning Group
Hove Town Hall
Norton Road